Interface SamTransactionManager

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface SamTransactionManager
    extends CommonTransactionManager<SamTransactionManager,​SamSecuritySetting>
    Will be soon removed. Use dedicated crypto API instead (e.g. Terminal Calypso Crypto Legacy SAM API, Terminal Calypso Crypto Open SAM API, etc...).
    Service providing the high-level API to manage transactions with a Calypso SAM.

    The target CalypsoSam object provided to the build is kept and updated at each step of using the service. It is the main container of the data handled during the transaction and acts as a SAM image.

    There are two main steps in using the methods of this service:

    • A command preparation step during which the application invokes prefixed "prepare" methods that will add to an internal list of commands to be executed by the SAM. The incoming data to the target SAM are placed in CalypsoSam.
    • A processing step corresponding to the prefixed "process" methods, which will carry out the communications with the target SAM. The outgoing data from the card are placed in CalypsoSam.

    Technical or data errors, security conditions, etc. are reported as exceptions.

    • Method Detail

      • getSamReader

        org.calypsonet.terminal.reader.CardReader getSamReader()
        Useless accessor (will be soon removed).
        Gets the reader used to communicate with the target SAM on which the transaction is performed.
        A not null reference.